Tag: Meditation

Tag: Meditation

Tag: Meditation

To Think - To Fast - To Wait

When Siddhartha was asked, “And you? What can you do?” he replied – “me? -- I can think, I can fast, and I can wait.” Most of us can’t really think. We think that we do. But in truth, it’s our thoughts that a
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Don't Focus on Meditation

Notice your breath, focus on this flame, and recite this mantra. Stand on your head, tuck in your stomach, and bring your awareness to your third eye. We are often guided to "meditate" by focusing or fixing our attention on one spot. Whether that spo
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Stop Meditating For Peace

Just stop. Please. It's really not necessary. Closing your eyes for peace would truly do nothing. However, what you can do is open your eyes and find ways to offer your heart and your giving hands. You can march for peace, feed others for peace, and
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Now is the New Black

Recently, we've been told that 'Now' is the new black. That coming to the present, being here and now, is the new cool thing to do. Numerous books have been written about the power of now. So many workshops and retreats that teach us how to come back
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Meditate a Woman

So often meditation is considered a practice. Something you’re ought to do while walking a spiritual path. Something you should be practicing daily. But meditation is a feminine phenomenon. It can’t be approached with a masculine attitude
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More Sugar Please!

As we go down the rabbit hole in the pursuit of spiritual awakening, we are often encouraged to explore our shadow. Delve into our vices and weaknesses. Places within our consciousness that need to be brought out into the light. To be examined, under
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Kai Karrel is a spiritual teacher, a practicing medium, and the Founder of the Celestial Heart Church. He advocates for the sacramental usage of entheogenic plant medicine in support of spiritual development and the evolution of consciousness. He is also the author of Prayerful Heart, a channeled book of invocations and prayers planned to be published later this year. Kai lives with his beloved wife, Jade, in Tulare, California.